The Cousins by Karen M. McManus is a story centered around cousins Jonah, Milly, and Aubrey. Their grandmother, Mildred, suddenly cut off the cousins’ parents after her death. They have no property or inheritance, only an ominous note from their grandmother that says, “YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID.” Jonah, Milly, and Aubrey are sent an invitation in June from their grandmother to stay two months at her resort as a part of a summer program. The resort offers a program for teenagers so they can get work experience and a much-needed sum of money for their work. The cousins were intrigued because they would find out more about where their grandmother grew up, on Gull Cove Island in Massachusetts. All of them decide to go, needing a break from their difficult relationships with their parents. When Aubrey notices something suspicious about one of the adults who works at the resort, the three decide to investigate. As they find out more about their grandmother’s and parents’ past, they learn that some things should be left secret. This book tells the story from each cousin’s perspective, creating a unique way to see the mystery unravel. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes mysteries with multiple plot twists.